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We provide a platform for street music from all over the world

Nowadays there are a number of street musicans in all major cities. The best street music will appear on our website and we will promote them to make them more known. We will use a number of ways for this, including Facebook. Follow us there and you won’t miss any new street musicians being discovered. Below are a number of street musicians who are already quite well known.

Liv Harland

Sam Tompkins

Karolina Protsenko

Ren Gill

Luke Silva

Rob Falsini

Brothers Moving

Mike Yung

Have you discovered a fantastic street musician on YouTube?

You can send us a message if you think you have discovered a good up-and-coming street musician. Street musicians from all countries are placed by us. The quality is certainly assessed by our team. Of course we also look at the number of visitors to YouTube of a street musician. Well-known street musicians who have already broken through to their own performances in large halls will certainly be placed. Also check out our other pages about different music styles. The rock music style, the hip hop scene, the pop music from the 80s and 90s and of course the Dance style, which is very broad.

The street musicians all have their own reason for playing music on the street. Most street musicians play to earn some extra money. But there are also those who play music to gain more fame. Some are so good that they automatically become better known. There are many in the big cities such as London, Berlin and New York. But in all countries music is made on the streets.

Street musicians have been on the streets for a very long time.
Here is a story about the origins of street musicians and how they developed into a major sector in the music industry. Ever since sound existed through some kind of instrument and the human voice, there have been people singing in the streets. The purpose of singing was certainly entertainment in the beginning, but singing was also used in the past to make an announcement on the street. Even before the Middle Ages, people sang in the streets and it was done by everyone.

In the past there was a bit of a laugh about it. But today’s street musician is certainly taken very seriously, because the great artists all started on the street. In many large cities it is very popular to sing in the streets to gain more fame. Of course, media such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok lend a helping hand.

The exact date of the origin of the street musician cannot be determined exactly. But it would have been around the 12th century that street singing began somewhere near London. And then adopted by others in the rest of the world. Certainly there are rules for street musicians in every city. The rules differ per country, province and city. These can be requested from the various authorities. The most common form of busking is music, but there are other forms of street performances. In many countries it is a must to start on the streets to achieve anything in music.

Think of the great musicians such as Ed Sheeran, Tracy Chapman, Rod Stewart, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Presly and many more great ones. These street musicians were discovered by the public and the music industry took it further and made it known. This used to take a long time, but today a busker can become very famous in just a few weeks.
The street musician of the past also traveled from one city to another to share his talent and earn some money. But there are also contemporary street musicians who give up their jobs, buy a camper and travel from one city to another. In many cities there are fixed places where the musician can perform and charge money for his performance.

The street musician will always exist in one form or another.